CFM Printer
The CFM uses flow to print microarray spots. In contrast with other printers that use fixed volume droplets with uncertainty in binding coverage, the CFM uses microchannels to cycle ligand solutions over a surface. This maintains sensitive proteins in a liquid environment and produces active spots with coverages that approach saturation. When compared to pin or non-contact printing the CFM enables ligand concentrations 1,000 fold more dilute than other technologies, as well as the printing of ligands directly from crude mixtures onto a selective capture surface.
The CFM uses a network of microchannels to print 48 samples at one time in a 4 x 12 block. Automated fluid handling and positioning systems enable printing of up to 96 unique samples in one run. The system is configured for printing onto SensEye® SPR sensors for the IBIS MX96.
The CFM has been used to print a wide variety of biomolecules including DNA, proteins, antibodies, lipids, sugars and cells. When paired with a SensEye®, the CFM enables the transfer of standard coupling and capture conditions of a lower throughput multi-channel system to the higher throughput array-based systems.